Homecoming Week has started off strong with 🇺🇸 America Monday and ✈️ Tourist Tuesday! Our bulldogs are 🔥! #GHSHoco22 #stronGer
over 2 years ago, Goochland High School
Students and teachers in tourist theme
Students and teachers in tourist theme
Students  in America theme
Students  in America theme
@glndschools has strong policies regarding the prohibition of bullying. If you have any concerns, please contact a trusted adult in our schools or report bullying anonymously via text, phone, email, or through our website https://www.goochlandschools.org/page/safeschools-alert
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
This week, @glndschools will be recognizing the contributions of our dedicated school nutrition professionals who provide healthy meals to our students every day. Thank you your hard work and for helping our students grow #stronGer! @goochland_sns
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
School Lunch Week
Today is World Mental Health Day-recognized internationally as a day to bring awareness to mental health & mobilize efforts in support of mental health. In Goochland, we are lucky to have many mental health resources including school counselors, school psychologists, a school social worker, and our new mental health counselor! For more information about GCPS mental health resources, please click this link. https://www.goochlandschools.org/o/gcps/page/mental-health
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
mental health day
@GoochlandHigh is seeking a head girls varsity basketball coach to lead our program for the 2022-2023 season. Interested applicants can apply online https://www.goochlandschools.org/page/jobs. @GoochlandSports
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Girls Basketball Coach ad
October is disability history and awareness month. For questions regarding the multiple opportunities for our students with disabilities @glndschools, please contact our exceptional education department at 556-5601.
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
disability history and awareness month
Did you know? @glndschools has an anonymous tip line to allow students, staff, families, and community members to let us know about safety, behavior, discrimination, or bullying in our schools. More information at https://www.goochlandschools.org/page/safeschools-alert
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
anonymous reporting
Did you hear that crunch? Today at 10:00 a.m., we participated in the Crunch Heard Around the Commonwealth to celebrate Farm to School Week. These apples came from Stillhouse Creek Farm in Batesville, VA. @goochland_sns
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Crunch logo
student and teacher
Our coaches & sponsors of our many athletic, extracurricular, & co-curricular activities dedicate countless hours to allow our students to follow their passion and learn life-long lessons outside of the academic day. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with our students!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
National Coaches Day
Thank you to @glndschools instructional coaches who provide ongoing and embedded professional development and support to our instructional staff! Our school division is #stronGer because of your time, efforts, and talents!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
National Coaches Day
October is Farm to School Month. This week our school nutrition teams will be serving locally sourced meats and produce as a part of our meal options. Thanks to our dedicated food services professionals for their work to provide our students with healthy and nutritious meals!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Farm to School Month
Breaking news: Goochland County Public Schools has been rated the #1 school division in the Metro Richmond Region for the FIFTH YEAR IN A ROW! Huge thanks to our dedicated employees, hard working students, and support community of parents, families, and volunteers for making this possible! https://www.niche.com/k12/d/goochland-county-public-schools-va/rankings/
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Please join us in thanking our dedicated and hard working custodial team for everything they do to make @glndschools #stronGer! You contributions to our team are greatly valued and appreciated!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Custodian Appreciation Day
If you're looking for something to eat tonight after the Bulldog's football game, stop by Bella Sicilia to pick up some pizza. Mention Goochland High School All Night Graduation - 20% of the proceeds go to support our graduating seniors!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Bella Sicilia
Bella Sicilia is staying open late tonight just to support our Seniors & All Night Graduation. Stop by between 8:30 and 10:40 tonight for some pizza specials! Be sure to mention All Night Graduation - 20% of all sales go to support our graduating Bulldogs!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
All Night Graduation Specials
Huge thanks to Team @glndschools employees and volunteers from @GoochlandYMCA & @vadentist for providing resources to families and students, including free dental cleanings and screenings. Another example of this community's excellence! https://youtu.be/VEQLL8NFeIk
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
dental cleanings
Excellent presentation today @GoochlandHigh by former Goochland County Treasurer, Pam Johnson. Thank you for sharing important life lessons about taxation, responsibility, and financial planning. Thank you for giving your time to make @glndschools & our Bulldogs #stronGer!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Pam Johnson
Awesome morning @GoochlandHigh! Heartwarming to see students engaging w/ men and women who have served our country in the armed forces! Interviews & breakfast today, recognition at the homecoming game, & a visit to D.C. Thanks Ms. Tate @GHSVetProject for making this possible!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
students interviewing veterans
Congratulations to our @GoochlandHigh team led by Calypso Gilstrap and Catherine Richards for receiving the Community Impact award from @rvatechcouncil for their work to use virtual reality in support of our division's instructional objectives. Another example of excellence!
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Calypso Gilstrap and Catherine Richards
We are proud to announce that Goochland High School is the 2022 RVATech Community Impact Award winner! Congratulations to Ms. Richards and Ms. Gillstrap on this outstanding accomplishment!
over 2 years ago, Chris Collier
Award Winners