Preschoolers coding…..high school students giving back to our community……just a few examples of the daily excellence @glndschools!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
helping paws day
preschoolers coding
Just released: @glndschools April 2022 Family Connections Newsletter - Read about Preschool & KG registration and events taking place across the division.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Family connections newsletter
We are so proud of these students! Our first ever TED Talks X event was a huge success! These amazing young people shared original speeches, essays, and poems that focused on our Bulldog BARKS core values. A huge thanks to Ms. Gilstrap making it happen! #proudprincipal #reiGnited
almost 3 years ago, Chris Collier
GHS TED Talks X student participants
Stay up to date on the work that is being done to design the new Goochland Elementary School.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Another spectacular Mock Interviews Day at Goochland High School! A huge thank you to all of our community members who came out to support our students! Goochland County is truly a special place to live, learn, and grow! #ghsbulldogs #reiGnited
almost 3 years ago, Chris Collier
mock interviews
mock interviews
mock interviews
mock interviews
For our #GHSWellnessWednesday #StudentRemix, Marketing & Psych students have provided some important statistics (attached) dealing with drug abuse. Goochland High School is more powerful than illegal drug use. Join the fight & #TackleDrugs
almost 3 years ago, Goochland High School
Statistics for Drug Use Among Teens.
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to share your thoughts on a proposed balanced instructional calendar under consideration for the 2023-2024 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Balanced Calendar 2.0
@glndschools has openings for teammates in food services and facilities. Tell your friends and family about these opportunities to become a part of the #1 school division in the Richmond Metro region for four years in a row!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley Best School District
This is the last week to share your thoughts on the two options currently being considered for our elementary school attendance boundary adjustments. The survey closes Friday April 1. Your feedback is welcome!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Boundary Adjustment Survey
@glndschools is now hiring for regular education and special education teachers, mechanic, and routing specialist. Tell your friends and family about openings on the #1 team in the Richmond Metro Region! Apply online:
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
#1 teachers in region
At home relationships are key for #Bulldog student success. ❤️ Check out the QR code (in pictures) to learn more from our Psychology class research on this important topic. #GHSWellnessWednesday #StudentRemix #ReachOut
almost 3 years ago, Catherine Richards
Home is where love resides. #ReachOut
Want to know more? Join us for a meeting during BB on Thursday, 3/24. Find out how by scanning the QR code.
Our student leaders are getting off to a collaborative start this morning participating in the @scl_va Student Leadership Conference “Re-Imagining School: Teen Designed Solutions” workshop. So many great ideas to share! #slc22 #reiGnited
almost 3 years ago, Goochland High School
zoom call
student leaders working together on a creative solution
Please share your thoughts about a change to @glndschools instructional calendar being considered for 2023-2024. The balanced calendar provides up to 23 additional days & opportunities for breaks during the year. Feedback is welcome
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Balanced Calendar 2.0
Monday, March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day. We invite you and your family to wear your brightest and boldest socks on Monday to raise awareness, encourage acceptance, and promote inclusion of people with Down Syndrome.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
World Down Syndrome Day
There is still time to provide feedback on the work @glndschools is doing to provide additional learning opportunities for students, while also providing time for breaks during the year for students & staff to focus on health and wellness.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
students at RES
Some families have questions regarding how current students would be impacted by the new elementary school attendance boundaries when the new GES opens. Fifth graders may choose to stay at current schools. Read more here:
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Boundary Adjustment
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on a new and improved Version 2.0 balanced instructional calendar that is being considered for the 2023-2024 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Students at RES
Please join us at 6:00 p.m. tonight at Goochland High School to learn more about the potential elementary school attendance boundaries that will be adjusted for the 2024-2025 school year. The meeting will be in C-143.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Boundary Adjustment
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to give @glndschools your feedback on two different potential elementary school boundary adjustments that could be effective for the 2024-2025 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Boundary Adjustment Survey
Please join Dr. Raley tonight at 6:00 p.m. for a conversation regarding a new and improved balanced calendar this may be considered for the 2023-2024 school year. The meeting will be held through Google Meet at this link:
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Balanced Calendar 2.0