Goochland High School News Image

Check out this week's updates, information, and upcoming events at Goochland High School! The Bulldog Bulletin is your weekly look into the great things happening at GHS. Go Bulldogs!

Athletics and Activities

Please visit for up-to-date schedule information. Many of these events can be streamed live at Feel free to reach out to Joe Fowler ( if you have any questions or need more information. 

Dual Enrollment Fees

Dual enrollment course fees have been assigned as an obligation in OSP for any student who has requested a Reynolds Community College class in their 2022-23 schedule. This obligation includes all ACA students. The fees for summer courses were due on May 16th, 2022, while the fees for the 2022-23 school year are not due until August 1st, 2022. 

Please reach out to Dr. Fowler ( with any questions regarding payment or to request an application for financial assistance.

From The Learning Commons

All textbooks, library books, and calculators are due on Friday, May 27th. We do not assess fines, but we will charge for the replacement of lost items. We emailed all items loaned out to student emails on Friday. Thank you for supporting the school by returning borrowed materials on time!  

Please email Mrs. Gilstrap ( if you have any questions or concerns. 

Minority Law and Research Institute (MLARI)

The 22nd Annual MLARI is designed to expose underrepresented students to consider careers in law, research, and the legal profession. Students participating in this year’s Virtual On-Line institute from June 13th - 17th are rising 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The institute is an effective method for identifying and recruiting students interested in career options for the legal profession. It is also an excellent way to expose and motivate students for careers in law or whatever careers they may choose. Applications are available on Schoology or in the School Counseling office, and the deadline to apply is Monday, May 23rd

Please email one of our School Counselors if you have any questions. 

PTSA Board Members Needed!

The PTSA is seeking the support of parents who want to join the PTSA Board for the 2022-2023 school year. It’s a great way to help support our students, staff, and community by providing an exceptional experience here at Goochland High School. If you or someone you know is interested in serving, please contact the GHS PTSA ( for a link to their Google Form.  

Senior Awards Ceremony

Seniors and families, please join us on Tuesday, May 31st, at 6:00 pm for our annual Senior Awards Night. Seniors must wear gowns (no caps) to process into the event. They may also wear medals and stoles.  Seniors should meet in the cafeteria no later than 5:50 pm to process into the event at 6:00 pm. Parents should be seated in the auditorium by 6:00 pm. Please contact your Doug Getter (  if you have any questions. 

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!

Senior Laptop/Materials Collection

We will collect senior laptops on Friday, May 27th, during Bulldog Block. Here are a few details regarding our laptop return process:

  • Seniors must be cleared of all obligations (laptops, textbooks, calculators, etc.) before May 27th. 
  • Seniors must back up their laptops. Directions for backing up the computer and transferring Google accounts are here.
  • Seniors must turn in three required items: Laptop ($679), laptop charger ($50), laptop case ($35), and Kajeet items (if issued to you).  
  • If an item is missing, the obligation will need to be paid in full to replace it.

If a senior cannot turn in all items by this time, the last opportunity will be during graduation practice on June 4th. Students will not be given graduation tickets until all obligations are fulfilled. 

If you have any questions about the information above, please email Mrs. Richards at or Mrs. Gilstrap at

SOL Testing Reminder

Students: If you are taking any of the SOL tests on Wednesday, May 25th, please make sure that you bring both a fully charged laptop and your computer charger to school. The Learning Commons does not have enough loaner laptops or chargers to meet everyone's needs, so please don't forget to grab both before leaving the house. Good luck!

Sports Physicals for 2022-23SY

The GHS Athletics Department will offer sports physicals on Thursday, May 26th, at 3:45 pm for $20. Participants must complete an Acknowledgement of Limited Relationship form prior to the physical. Please see Coach Fowler, Coach Fruth, Coach Gordon, Ms. Black, or any head coach for a form. For more details, contact Coach Fowler ( or Coach Gordon ( 

Spring Testing Calendar

Please refer to the attached GHS Spring 2022 Testing Calendar for end-of-the-year testing information and upcoming events. We plan to hold another asynchronous day (May 25th) to accommodate our staffing needs during SOL testing. Only students who must take an SOL will report on those dates. All other students will work on previously assigned work from home. No one will be required to log into a virtual class on those days.

Additionally, all students must take their final exams during the specified testing window. Anyone unable to attend school during the exam window must have a parent contact their administrator. 

Please contact me ( or Dr. Rainbolt ( if you have any questions. 

Student Leadership for 2022-23SY

Thank you to all who participated in running for office and to all of you who voted. Here are next year’s schoolwide and class officers: 

  • SCA Leadership: 
    • SAC President: McKenzie Jones
    • SAC Vice President: Reese Vincent
    • SAC Secretary: Mason Boggs
    • SAC Treasurer: Amore Jackson
  • Senior Class Representatives: 
    • President: Alex Peskin
    • Vice President: Josh Usry
    • Secretary: Laura Lee Baldwin
    • Treasurer: Trevor Brown
  • Junior Class Representatives: 
    • President: Dakota Higgs
    • Vice President: Ainsley Allen
    • Secretary: Hadley Peskin
    • Treasurer: Leilani Burgess
  • Sophomore Class Representatives: 
    • President: Kiershara Carter
    • Vice President: Sydney Jones
    • Secretary: TBD
    • Treasurer: Cheyenne Golden

Congratulations to all those elected, and thank you to those who ran.  We cannot wait to see what you have in store for GHS in the fall!

Summer School Credit Accrual Courses Available

Credit accrual online courses are offered to students looking to move ahead in their academic careers. There are still spots available for the summer of 2022, including a new section of Health and PE 10. Please use these registration and payment links to secure your child's spot.