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Check out this week's updates, information, and upcoming events at Goochland High School. The Bulldog Bulletin is your weekly look into the great things happening at GHS. Go Bulldogs!

💥💥Bulldog Recognitions💥💥

Class of 2025 College Acceptances - Attention seniors! We would love to acknowledge your college acceptances as you have gotten in. Please fill out this form. You must be logged in to your GLND email to access to submit. Please let us know so we can recognize YOU for your accomplishments! Be sure to contact your counselor with any questions. HERE is a map of where our seniors have been accepted so far.

Get to Know Some of our Amazing Bulldogs - Throughout the remainder of the school year, we will be highlighting our “teacher-recognized” students each week.

  • Carter Alechko is an 11th grader and was nominated by Mrs. Reahard for his kindness! Carter's favorite class is Unified PE, which makes sense as he is a football player and member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Carter wants to be an architect and is considering VT and NC State for college when he graduates. Great work, Carter! 

Goochland Robotics - Yesterday and today, the GHS Junkyard Dogs Robotics team took on their first competition at Deep Run High School. The team has completed a successful build season, and is now tuning and "training" their robot to drive on its own! Way to go, Junkyard Dogs!

Mr. GHS Winners - Congratulations to Isaac Hite for winning the Audience Favorite on Thursday night at our 2025 Mr. GHS Pageant. Isaac won $80 that he donated to the GHS Senior Project. Jake Tickle was crowned Mr. GHS by our judges. Congratulations gentlemen! $1,100 was raised for the GHS Veterans Project!

Special Olympics Basketball Team - Our Special Olympic Basketball athletes spent last weekend competing at the State Games. The Full-Court team won the Bronze medal in their division and Seb Saxon took home the Silver medal in the Individual Skills Competitions. Way to go, Bulldogs!

State Girls Wrestling  - Congratulations to junior Ella Adamson for her performance at the VHSL Girls Wrestling State tournament. Ella is the first girl to qualify for the state tournament in wrestling and finished an impressive 4th place in the open division of her weight class that encompasses all six VHSL classifications! Way to go, Ella!


GCPS Textbook Adoption - GHS is currently considering a textbook and digital resource adoption for high school mathematics. This reviewing process will take place from March 3rd - 14th. Please view this document for more information. Thank you!

GPOW - The Goochland Portfolio of Writing will be given during English classes between March 4th and 11th. Students in English 9 will complete a persuasive essay. Students in English 10 will complete an analytical essay. These essays will be added to their portfolio of work which will be used as a student's attempt to earn their verified credit in Writing needed for graduation. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest and comes prepared to give their best effort!

Football Interest Meeting -  Meet our new head football coach Chase Phillips on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30 pm in the GHS auditorium.  This is an opportunity for parents and players to program philosophy, player and parent expectations, and the spring and summer calendar.

All-Night Graduation NEW DATE/LOCATION - The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30 pm in the GMS cafeteria.

Athletics and Activities - Please visit for up-to-date schedule information. Many of these events can be streamed live at Feel free to contact Mr. Fowler ( if you have any questions or need more information. 


Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) Assessments NEW DATE - Due to recent weather closures, the Workplace Readiness Skills test for CTE students has been postponed. The new testing dates are March 10th - March 11th. This important certification measures their understanding of key employability skills such as teamwork, professionalism, and problem-solving. By earning this credential, students demonstrate their preparedness for the workforce and gain a valuable advantage for their future careers. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brockman (

ECMC College Nights and Scholarship Opportunity- Thinking about college? Whether you are planning to attend college or simply evaluating your options, you can get answers to your questions about college admissions, the financial aid process, and scholarships at our ECMC College Nights event. The School Counseling Department will be presenting this program on Thursday, March 13th at 6:00 PM Virtually. A drawing will happen at the end of the presentation for a $1000 Scholarship. To qualify for the scholarship drawing: 

· The parent or student must be in the meeting within five minutes of the start time to fill out the form and have video access to the meeting for the link.  

· The parent or student must be present for the drawing at the end of the presentation to win.  

· Each student who is present or has a parent present for the meeting will be entered to win. 

Join the Google Meet or you may call +1 520-815-1294 PIN: ‪576 401 480#. Keep in mind that students or parents who call in will not have access to the link for the scholarship drawing or be able to see the presentation.

Spring MAP Assessments - Spring MAPS testing will begin the week of March 17th in Math and English classes. MAP testing is a chance for students and teachers to see student growth over the school year. We strongly encourage our students to get plenty of rest before taking these critical assessments. Please reach out to your child’s Math or English teacher if you have any questions.

“It’s Real: Teens and Mental Health” Program for 9th-Grade Students - Our Mental Health team and along with a volunteer from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will be introducing a program in our 9th-grade Health & PE classes called “It’s Real: Teens and Mental Health” during the week of March 17th, 2025. Through the program, students learn: what mental health is and how it's both similar to and different from physical health, how to notice signs of someone needing help, tips and strategies for having a caring conversation with someone they might be worried about, methods of self-care for mind, body, soul, and surroundings, examples of trustworthy resources, and how reaching out to trusted adults can help teens manage their mental health. If you would like to opt your 9th grader out of this program,  have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation, or would like to review an outline of the program, please contact Renee Ferrell, Director of School Counseling at

Black History Month Events NEW DATE - In addition to the instructional activities taking place in students’ academic classes, the faculty has planned several events to celebrate Black History Month. Due to recent school closures, these events have been moved to March. On Wednesday, March 19th, during Bulldog block, we will hold a school-wide Kahoot trivia challenge that will highlight contributors to African American history and American history that stems from both African American and Afro-Latin heritage. We will cap off the week with a Black History Month celebration on Friday, March 21st with step team performances, games, a DJ, and a guest speaker. We are extremely excited to celebrate Black History Month at GHS! Hats off to students Kierjaea Carter and Kiershara Carter, Mrs. Amanda Tolson (, and Mr. Bryant Winbush ( for their hard work organizing these events! 

March 21st - Friday, March 21st will now be a normal school day due to the snow closures. This will be a Day 1. Please plan accordingly!

SAT Prep- The Goochland Education Foundation and Huntington Learning Center are partnering to offer SAT Practice Test Prep for Goochland High School students.  The next practice test will be on Saturday, March 22nd at 9:30 AM at the Goochland County Central High Cultural and Educational Complex on Dogtown Road.  The feedback session will be held on Thursday, March 27th at 7:00 PM held in Room C143 at Goochland High School.  Please go to the FLYER for more information and registration links. The Goochland Education Foundation will support any student who cannot pay the $25 registration. The registration deadline is 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 20th.

Sophomore ACA Kick-Off - Sophomore ACA students and parents, please mark your calendars now for Monday, March 24th at 6:00 PM! You are cordially invited to join the Reynolds Career Coach and the ACA Site Director that evening for our virtual ACA Summer Preparation Kick-off (Google Meet HERE). We'll cover topics such as the required summer course outline, payment timelines, communication channels, access to college resources, and strategies for planning, surviving, and thriving beyond the summer. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Beth Fowler ( We can't wait to see you all there!

EnerGize and EnGage Day at GHS - Save the date, Bulldogs! Energize & Engage Day will take place on Friday, March 28th! This is a day where students sign up for courses they are interested in - from pickleball to car maintenance to rocket launching. Sign-ups will take place in March, but mark your calendars now to attend this regularly scheduled school day - with a twist! 

GHS Prom - Goochland High School's prom will be held on Saturday, May 10th at the Adams International School! Our theme is Once Upon a Time… dust off your glass slippers! Any students (or parents!) who wish to be a part of the Prom Planning Committee should contact Mrs. Boehm ( 


Electronic Distribution of Flyers - Throughout the 24.25 school year, please visit this website for upcoming events or activities throughout the Goochland community.

GCPS Volunteering Page (New Volunteer Recruitment Form) - We are excited to announce that the Volunteering page on the GCPS website has been updated with a brand-new Volunteer Recruitment Form! The new form simplifies the process for anyone interested in volunteering within our school district, making it easier to get involved and contribute to the success of our students. We encourage all interested volunteers to fill out the form to help us match your skills and interests with the perfect opportunities within our schools. Your time and expertise are invaluable to the success of our students, and we are grateful for your support!

Junior Achievement Scholarship - Exciting news! The Junior Achievement (JA) Student Ambassador Scholarship is now open. JA awards up to three $2500 scholarships to students in 9th-12th grade who have participated in a JA program while in high school, and we invite them to share their story at our Hall of Fame gala the following year. This year, we’re asking for short answer responses instead of a video submission. Please share this opportunity with any of your students who have received a JA program in high school, and encourage them to apply by Friday, June 6th. They may apply using this URL

Preschool Applications - Goochland County Public Schools is accepting applications for preschool for the 2025-2026 school year! Goochland has preschool classrooms at each of its three elementary schools. These are full-day programs and transportation to and from school is provided. You can apply for preschool using this online application. Click here to learn more about our preschool programs. If you have any specific questions, please contact Ms. Franklin-Murray ( 

Scheduling for the 2025-2026 School Year - School Counselors are meeting with EACH student for their Academic and Career Planning meeting to review their course requests for the 2025-2026 school year and discuss their future goals. If you would like to be a part of your child’s Academic and Career Planning meeting, please use the link to your child’s school counselor.

o   Ms. McMullin (A-G)

o   Ms. Salazar (H-Ph)

o   Ms. Ferrell (Pi-Z)

Special Education Updates - If you're interested in receiving information about Special Education, subscribe here to receive email updates! If you have any specific questions, please contact Ms. Franklin-Murray ( 

Senior Class of 2025

All-Night Graduation - Casino Night will be held at Bandits Ridge on Friday, March 14th. Please contact Michele Brooks at 804-221-2336 if you know of a person or business that would like to sponsor. If you plan to attend, purchase your tickets HERE!

  • Spring Bingo will be held on Saturday, March 22nd in the GHS cafeteria at 6:00 pm. Presale bingo cards will be available for purchase at River Road Cottage for $20. Bingo cards can be purchased at the door for $25.  Please come out and support our last bingo of the year!

  • The Class of ‘25 Baccalaureate will be held on Sunday, May 18th at 3:00 pm NEW DATE in the GHS auditorium. Seniors are encouraged to attend an inspirational afternoon with music, speakers, and light refreshments afterward. Please wear what you will wear to graduation under the gowns and don’t forget your caps.  Seniors can earn tickets for attending that can go towards Senior Sunset raffle prizes.

  • The annual “Senior Walk” in the Goochland Day Parade will be on Saturday, May 17th. It is a nice tradition where the seniors walk in the parade for that proud moment of graduating. Seniors will also earn tickets to the Senior Sunset event. The sign-up will be sent out soon with times and instructions.

  • The tradition of our “Senior Walks” through our elementary schools will be on Friday, May 23rd. The school and time are as follows: RES at 9:00 am, GES at 10:00 am, and BES at 11:00 am. A sign-up, along with additional details will be coming soon! Those who attend will earn tickets for the Senior Sunset event. 

  • Be sure to mark your calendars now for the “Senior Sunset” on Friday, May 30th from 7:00 - 10:00 pm in the GHS softball field. We will do different activities, games, food, pictures, and raffle prizes! Please make plans to attend!

  • Please follow ANG on Facebook, “Goochland All Night Graduation 2025.”  If you have any questions or want to join ANG, please email them at

Scholarships - A lot of new scholarships have been added to the GHS Class of 2025 Scholarships sheet. Please contact Ms. McMullin ( if you have any questions!

Financial Aid - Students and parents can schedule a meeting with our GRASP Advisor, Ms.Lindsay Bradley, to get help with the FAFSA, discuss financial aid award letters, and get additional scholarship information. Please use this link to schedule an appointment or email her at

Senior Class Meeting - Ms. Reahard, Ms. McMullin, ANG, and the administration will be holding a senior class meeting on Thursday, March 27th at 10:30 am in the auditorium. We will be reviewing graduation details, senior project updates, and the end-of-year ANG events. 

Senior Projects - This year, students will complete a total of 20 service hours. The final 10 hours are due in April. Students will not be permitted to walk at the GHS graduation ceremony if they do not complete their senior project. Lastly, Education for Employment and Blue Ridge Virginia Governor's School students complete a separate senior project through those experiences. Please contact Mallory McMullin at ( with any questions.

Reynold's Graduation Ceremony (including ACA students) - The ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 13th at 2:00 pm at the Stuart C. Siegel Center (1200 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23284). Be sure to mark your calendars now and tell all your friends and family! Seating will not be limited for this event, so there is room for them all!

Class of ‘25 Graduation Details - Please mark your calendars for our GHS class of 2025 graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 31st at 7:30 pm at the GHS Stadium. The rain date will be Sunday, June 1st at 7:30 pm. We will have follow-up details in the coming months regarding the senior students' last day of school, senior exam week, etc.